
Officertool mydigitallife
Officertool mydigitallife

officertool mydigitallife

ProPlus2019Volume.excludedapps.16=groove,lync,onedrive,onenote,outlook,publisher,teams ^įlt. Productstoadd="ProPlus2019Volume.16_en-US_x-none" ^ "%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe" ^ĭeliverymechanism=f2e724c1-748f-4b47-8fb8-8e0d210e9208 ^ CHECK your Microsoft Office download in line: version.16=7.20081 ^ correct if necessary. This install Microsoft Office Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word only -view excludedapps-) On Command Prompt or PowerShell execute (copy and paste) Go to folder "C:\myoffice\Office\Data\ 7.20081" (your version may vary, take note) and extract i640.cab (i360.cab for 32-bit) file on: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\" (Create subfolder if not exist) Office (R)Tool 2.21 File Size: 19.8 MB An advanced tool to install, activate, and config MS Office 2016, 2019, and 2021. Open Command Prompt (cmd) or PowerShell and execute (this download Office 2019 complete package + Language en-US (~1.83 GB) on "C:\myoffice\Office\"):

officertool mydigitallife officertool mydigitallife

Open notepad copy/write this lines and save as "C:\myoffice\myconfig.xml" (for 64-bit in en-US language): Launch officedeploymenttool_12325-20288.exe and set extract folder on "C:\myoffice\" Create one folder for working, for example: "C:\myoffice\"

Officertool mydigitallife